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Hollow Metal & Hardware Training

Introduction to Commercial Doors, Frames, and Door Hardware

Manual doors, frames, and terminology.

Hardware types, brands, and various applications.
Door measurements and ordering.
Focus on common hardware components and adjustments.
Door closers, pivots, hinges, locks and cylinders, flushbolts.
Continuous hinges, knobs, levers, handles, auxiliary, trim, and exit devices.
Basic electronics for hardware including power supplies and wiring.
Power transfer hinges and electrified exit devices.
Introduction to Low Energy ADA Compliant Operators like the DC7000.
Covers all of the most common brands in our industry.

Hardware Class Cost: $500

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Register for Hollow Metal & Hardware Training

Hospital, Airport, Construction, Automotive, Oil & Gas, etc.
Make Check Payable To: Door Controls USA Mail To: Training Dept., Door Controls USA, Inc., 321 VZ County Rd 4500, Ben Wheeler, TX 75754